5659 Dash Full NoXip Resign Patch | This Patch is only for XBDash Live 2.0.17e4cd00 (or named 5659). Will allow you to mod original xip's without having to resign your xboxdash.xbe. Adding xip's still need a resign but only once, after you can modify your freshly added xip's without resigning. Moreover this patch include no-reboot on XBDash (IGR still works). | fuckdb | www.xboxdash.net | |
Aquaduct | A game server similar to xbconnect made for Mac OS X. | Postpose | postpose.com | |
AseToXM | will convert a 3DMax exported ASE file to XM format and XM to ASE. Supports mesh and texturing. | jimk | | |
AVAxml | A XML file generator for Avalaunch | A_Snowman | | |
baMXMconfig | a utility to help you modify the MXM.XML file that MXM uses to run. It will download the XML file from your XBox, parse it, and upload it back when you're done editing. | jinx_removing | | |
baRenameX | A file renaming utility to make files Xbox legal. It has a variety of options to provide flexibility when naming files. Also has a preview window so that you can preview what files will be named based on the various user defined settings. | jinx_removing | | |
BatchFile Maker | A concept release, to show one of the upcoming features that may be implemented in WinHME GUI | jimmsta | | |
Bios checker | Based on XFLASH source code of Dysfunction. Its purpose is to check which version bios you have. | CrackJack | www.darkmoon.org | |
Bios slicer | Cuts a 1MB bios into 256k. | WiNNe | | |
BioXX_Flasher | Made to flash a BioXX aka open xbox modchip. | LabMaster | | |
bxStream | An XNS Protocol server program that will you let share your media to your XBOX media player | Windragz | | |
Cartographer | A halo map editor that supports editing of images, titles and descriptions. | eXentric | www.solersoft.com/Projects/Cartographer/ | |
ccXStream | A XStream server made for windows and linux. | PuhPuh | www.xboxmediaplayer.de | |
CDDISSECT | This tool dumps all data tracks on a CD to ISO files, dumps\ all audio tracks on a CD to MP3 files, and creates a cue sheet with all the proper filenames. Used mainly for HUGO PCE cd's. | XPort | xport.xbox-scene.com | |
CheapLPC | CheapLPC is designed to pretend to be a slow LPC host so you can talk to LPC interface devices directly from your PC Printer port. This means you will be able to program LPC flashes, for example | andy | www.warmcat.com/milksop/cheapLPC.html | |
CloneXB | A iso creation tool that utilizes the xbox's ftp server to grab the contents straight off the xbox dvd-rom, and is saved on your PC's harddrive. | CloneXB | | |
Copyhaunters XBEISO patcher | A program that patches the xbe directly or from within a iso to change a media directory value that was altered in later xbox games. | Copyhaunters | | |
Craxtion | Create and Extract *true* XBOX Iso using GDFImage and XDFSextract. Craxtion has also implemented a MultiGame Wizard that simplifies the process of creating MultiGame Disc's. | Craxtion | users.bestweb.net | |
CXBE | Converts from Windows "EXE" format into the XBox "XBE" format. CXBE is already functional, and is being used as an integral part of the OpenXDK project. | caustik | www.caustik.com | |
dds2img | Converts dds files to other formats. dds is an image format used some xbox games like DOA and DOAXVB. | NghtShd | | |
DX-Dexbe | View/Edit XBE-Data and extract Code/Data Sections. | Dextrose | www.dextrose.com | |
DX-Dexip | Extract files from *.xip files found on the XBOX HDD. | Dextrose | www.dextrose.com | |
Easy Phoenix Bios Loader | Designed to help the installation of xbox exploits. Current features are backup/restore original HD config, automated installation of choosen exploit, and more. | | woogerworks.servehttp.com/epi | |
EEPMOD | Easily edit eeprom dumps so they can be reflashed to your eeprom (using a program such as eepromer on the xbox). Authors: superfro / Dextrose | | www.dextrose.com | |
Evo previewer | A html based evolution-x configuration tool that has real time visualization. | !DUR | | |
EvoX configurator | A tool to help configure the evolutionx .ini file. | JayZee | | |
EvoX dashboard patcher | This tool will allow you patch your evolution-x to support a 7th partition | oz_paulb | | |
Evox Skin Designer | A skin designer program used to make skins for evolution-x. | kAMiKAZe | kamikaze.linuxgods.com | |
EvoX Skinner | A Windows program to aid you in editing the 'menu.ini' file used the Evolution-X program, as a alternative to editing it manually in a text editor. | keiths | | |
Evtool | A bios editor based on xbtool - for the evolutionx m8+ bios | NghtShd | home.alltel.net/nghtshd/evtool.html | |
exmenued | One of the First Evolution-x ini editors. has a built in ftp client to allow you to connect to your xbox to edit your evox ini in a friendly manner. Supports only first few versions of evolution-x | keiths | | |
extract-xiso | A XBOX iso extraction, and creation tool, that is fully optimized for the xbox iso format. All other iso creation tools reley upon Microsoft's GDFIMAGE tool, which was inefficiently written. Versions include a linux, mac osx and freebsd | in | | |
FanCbox | Well, this program lets you get fancy with your bios... Change the color of the XBOX logo, remove animation, replace the error screen, etc.. | superfro / Dextrose | www.dextrose.com | |
Fast xbx2dds2img | XBX <-> DDS <-> IMG (Support .tga, .bmp, .gif, .ppm, .jpg, .tif) | fuckdb | www.xboxdash.net | |
Game Size Editor | Allows you to edit the dat files from "XBOX Game Size" so you change, add & delete items from the list | XBOX War3z | | |
Gdfimage | A Microsoft made tool from the XDK that compiles folders/files into .iso format. | Microsoft | www.microsoft.com | |
GreenProg | GreenProg software is for use with the GreenProgrammer available at http://CheapLPC.com . It will program the SST49LF020, read back, and verify the contents of the chip. | GreenGiant | cheaplpc.com/greenprog/ | |
Halo Map Patcher | This program allows the user to make patches for Halo's maps. No need for third party apps the apply patches with, this makes the patch in EXE format. This allows users who dont have access to cache make patches for everyone. | CLuis | | |
Halo Map Tools | (Formerly known as Halo Sound Tools) A tool that allow you to extract as well as inject over any existing sound data in a Halo Xbox map file. Also supports texture extraction/injection. | MonoxideC | | |
Halo Patch Maker | A utility to make ppf files to apply on halo | CLuis | | |
Halo XBE Hacker | A editing program that allows you to change some of the text strings in Halo | CLuis | | |
Halo XBox Weapon Editor | Halo xbox weapon editor is a program to simplify the editing much of the data stored in the weapon structure | tjc's | | |
Hard-Drive Password | A safe Macintosh hard drive utility to UNLOCK a security-locked ATA-IDE hard drive when the hard drive MASTER password is known (For MAC) | | | |
HCE Customizer | A skin maker for HCE, Halo Cache Editor by XBOX_War3z . Supports All features supported in the skin | CLuis & raz0r | | |
Hdd Driver | Lets you access files on the Xbox hard drive from windows. You can copy from it and to it through a windows GUI. | T00GG | | |
Hdd Pass | A linux compiled app used to generate xbox harddrive passwords. | SpeedBump | | |
Hdd Prepare | Used to zero a harddrive in preperation to put it into your xbox. | Ziki | | |
Hdd Unlock | A set of tools which enable you to create a boot disc that allows you to lock/unlock a xbox HD on your pc through dos. | Imh0 | | |
Hexbe | An application that easily allows you to change up to 39 textures in "xboxdash.xbe" directly over ftp in just a couple of clicks | Xtech & Vulgusprofanum | | |
HT Editor | A file viewer, editor and analyzer for text, binary, | Ionic | hte.sourceforge.net | |
Image to xbx | Designed to create title.xbx files from images to use with such programs like nexgen. | Team HoRnEyDvL | volure.zapto.org | |
ISO Reader | Used to read, extract, and preview files from the xbox iso format. | ector^mdl^dxm | | |
IsoMaker | Used to create a xbox iso image based upon microsoft's gdfimage. | CdRsKuLL | www.x-forums.co.uk | |
ISOX Creator | Used to create a xbox iso image. | HyperG, sd00, and Chossy | | |
Jaxstreamer | Stream server for linux. It works well with xbmp 2.2. | LIM | | |
Live 2.0 XboxDash-Hacked-tHc | A Hack of the Microsoft 2.0 live dashboard. Includes Color changes and added menu entries. | tHc | www.xboxdash.net | |
Liveinfo | A very usefull all around tool for editing configurations in your xbox. Edit Serial, Mac, OnlineKey, HDDKey, XBERegion, Confounder, Video Mode and DVDZone, convert EEPROM images between V1.0 and V1.1, view HDD Password of attached IDE Drive and much more. | Team Assembly | www.team-assembly.com | |
LOGO-X | This program allows you to change logos, such as the 'microsoft' text upon boot. logo-x made buy superfro, GUI | GreenGian | | |
Mac OS X Box Tools | A GUI interface for the Mac OSX version of extract-xiso | El_Oy | | |
Map Modifier | A Halo Map Modifier | CLuis | | |
mcpx1.1 Toolkit | The latest way of hacking a bios, factoring the RSA key inside the intro flash | franz | | |
Media X Project Creator | A configuration tool used to help create .xml files for Medix X Menu (MXM). | headstrong | | |
Mega X-Key | A program used to transfer saves between the xbox and/or their product, the mega x-key, which is a usb based memory card alternative with up to 32mb capacity. | xbox-saves.com | www.xbox-saves.com | |
milk | Milk is a command-line application that controls Milksop, CheapLPC, Filtror and Jektor Jtag Programming | andy | www.warmcat.com/milksop/milk.html | |
MP3 FAT-X Renamer | A Win32 application (coded in Delphi) which allow you to transfer (and synchronize) your MP3 collection from your computer to the Xbox's build-in hard drive. | | mp3fatx.de.vu/ | |
Mp3ImageTagExtractor | This utility is ideal for building thumbnails of album art suitable for use with the XBOX Media player. | | mp3imagetagextr.sourceforge.net/ | |
MXM Skinner | A WYSIWYG (almost) program, done in VB to make skins for MediaXMenu | geniusalz | | |
Mxm Xml Editor | A MediaXmenu xml editor program. | TotalEcl | | |
Myx-lite | Extremely stripped-down version of Myxomatosis for a very basic XML auto-directory menu authoring solution for Media X Menu .9m or later | StrongBad | | |
Myxomatosis | A Complete XML menu authoring solution for Media X Menu .9m or later | StrongBad | | |
namechanger | A windows based program that has a built in ftp client that allows you to connect to your xbox and change the boxes name. | | | |
New HD EvoX | A installer that sets up evolution-x on new harddrives. Auto formats it, and installs apps and MS dashboard as long as you include it on the cd. | GreenGian | | |
Nexgen Remote | Control the features of neXgen through your pc. | CX2 | cx2.cxgames.co.uk | |
neXgen-eration Remote | A nexgen 'installer' and configuration tool used through nexgen/evolution-x's ftp server. | xbefinder | www.xbefinder.tk | |
OpenGLXMviewer | An XM viewer based off Voltaics extracted xm files. It will display the xm mesh using OpenGL instead of D3D. | jimk | | |
OpenXDK | A opensource project made to replace the microsoft xbox development kit. | Project admin: caustik(Aaron Robinson) All developers: caustik(Aaron Robinson), dreamspec(Bigboy), ector, fma(Martinez Fabrice), hartec(Dextrose), Lantus, pricetfa(Price), siliconice(Dan Johnson -Project Manager), superfro | sourceforge.net/projects/openxdk | |
Operation Projectx | A brute force operation to find the private key to sign XBOX xbe files. | | www.operationprojectx.com | |
OzXFlash | First 'legal' flasher. Used on a cd to flash the OzX chip. | OzX team | www.ozxchip.com | |
OZXMemoryStick Explorer | A tool for loading and saving FATX Images onto USB memory Sticks and USB memory devices for use in the X-Box Console for transferring and saving Save Games, Music and Exploits. | OzXChip | www.ozxchip.com | |
Parcheador | Patches XBE's with the XDK to make it run on retail modded xbox's. | Yursoft | www.xbox-dev.cjb.net | |
pixit | pixit is a PC utility to manipulate Xbox Archive files (XIP) | Voltaic | | |
PreXBoxCopyTool | A tool used to renamed files and directories using configurable intelligence, to optimize for fatx partitioning. Very good for renaming ROM's. | AceHack @ Project BombRock | | |
Progressive Patcher | Patches xbe to make the app/game/DVD compatible with progressive scan displays. Only info availble about who made it is "The friend of Jerbil2k" | | | |
Quix | This is a excellent iso utility. Has double optimization, burst mode transfers, game manager...and too much else to list. | jjsmither | forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?act=SF&f=342 | |
Qwix | Qwix is a new Xbox and ISO management tool for the Windows platform. Connection manager makes it easy to keep settings specific to different Xboxes or dashboards. Offers alot of management and useful features in combination with Avalaunch dashboard. Also allows extremely fast filetransfers between PC and Xbox. | Team Avalaunch | www.teamavalaunch.com/ | |
Relax server | Stream server program that will let share your media to XBMP for viewing. | remco | www.raforce.nl | |
Scgen | A linux shell script that will generate xbmp .sc files of the top 20 Shoutcast streams. | echto | | |
sfd2mpg | A tool written to utilize a few other tools that work in conjunction to convert sfd files into mpg format. | XB0X_Mod | | |
SHOUTcastPlsDownloader | This Utility navigates the excellent shoutcast.com web site and downloads to a local directory a copy of the PLS files referenced on the website | Sanjay Madhavan | mp3imagetagextr.sourceforge.net/ShoutcastPlsDownloader/index.html | |
ShoutCocoa | This MacOS X program Fetches the HTML from a given "Shoutcast.com">"-URL and then generates XBoxMediaPlayer ".sc" files for all contained shoutcast stream playlists. | ravemax | www.dextrose.com | |
Creates a XP/Win2k/NT service which runs in the background and periodically scrapes the shoutcast site, creating .sc files, tbn's and genre folders in a root folder accessible either RelaX or some other streaming server. | | SimpleX ISO v0.2a | A easy to use xbox iso creator/extractor program. | XoXoX | | |
A evox skinner. | | www.xboxzone.co.kr | |
Sparkedit is a mapviewer for xbox halo. It was created to give modders insight into how the maps were constructed by the original developers. At the moment you can't edit anything, just look. It's possible to preview cachefile mods that change textures. | www.halomods.com | UK TV Grabber | A Windows application that grabs a UK TV listings from the web to a file that can be used by XBMP's TV-Guide. It supports all UK channels and includes a logo pack for those that prefer the logo's instead of text. | BigLarry | www.x-digital.addr.com/ | |
An all in one program for your hard drive. This Program is based on source code from Martin Gerdes, an editor of the german "c't" magazine.Now will Lock your hard drive or unlock and disable passwords all in one program !! 2) Will backup your password to a file and will not over-write it 3) Password backup file is time stamped. 4) No need to use atapwd.exe to view drive status.You can see at a glance if your drive is locked or unlocked. 5) Now you only have to enter your password one time. Requirements 1) UnLockX.exe must be run in pure DOS Mode,No windows dos box. 2) Drive must be on the primary IDE channel ( Master Or Slave) | mruell | | | |
a program allowing you to change much of the data stored in the weapon structure (or metadata) for Halo. It gives you control over almost every aspect of the weapon. | www.angelfire.com/oz/tjc2k4/ | WinHME GUI | A halo map editor GUI | jimmsta | users.rcn.com/jmg68/ | |
Program made to flash the matrix. Originally based upon the Milksop code. | www.xodus-chip.com | | |
A easy to use xbox iso creation tool based on GDFimage. VB6 Runtimes required. | Bob McGee | | X-Link Messenger | A Xbox tunneling software similar to the popular XBconnect. | | www.xboxlink.co.uk | |
A XAP file editor, that will also import xaps directly from XIP files | | www.xb-news.co.uk | |
XbCapture is a utility to take screen shots from your xbox utilizing the XDK | www.northsouth.tk/ | xbe finder | A tool that uses the xbox ftp server to connect and find xbe's. | | www.xbefinder.tk | |
XBE Renamer is a program which can modify the default Title Names for XBE's. | | www.loser-console.org | |
Was written by franz@caos.at from xbox linux, and was based upon the original XBE Dumper by Michael Steil. It has been ported to windows in usage with signing xbe's for the 007 gamesave trick, aswell as the dashboard font exploit. | www.xbox-linux.com | XBEMIDP | A patcher to change a media directory value that was altered in later xbox games. | L!M!T | | |
The first publicly available packer and crypter for XBOX executable files. | | | | |
A batch file that gives your computer a temporary private IP address for FTPing to your Xbox, and reassigns a DHCP address after your FTP session has ended. | | XBINS-TIRC | This is a IRC client based on MIRC to automate the process of using xbins. | {Ghost}co | www.trackpads.net/ghost/html/index.php | |
An iso extraction utillity for xdvdfs images for linux. | sourceforge.net | | |
A AppleScript Studio Front-End for various *NIX binaries and config files. It was built to handle your media for use with the Xbox Media Player. | | XBMP.Config.Helper | A tool to help you configure xbox media player. Authors: HyperG, sd00, and Chossy | HyperG, sd00, and Chossy | | |
A configuration tool used to help edit your XBMP .xml file. | www.allxboxskins.com | wipux2.wifo.uni-mannheim.de | |
A gui for the xbox media server. Current systems supported is OSX and FreeBSD | | Xbox Backup Toolkit | A Native OS X Gui/util that allows you to backup your original retail game and FTP to PC, and then ISO. | trackfive | | |
Linux application that allows files on an xbox hard disk to be dumped out. | | | |
A driver that enables the Xbox USB gamepad, DVD remote, and other Xbox devices on Mac OS X | homepage.mac.com/walisser/xboxhiddriver/ | XBOX ISO | A xbox iso creator program based on Microsofts gdfimage tool. | cryogen | www.siriokds.emuita.it | |
Allows you to change your XBOX's name. | www.xboxdeveloper.net | www.xbox-saves.com | |
Was the first step in a project to create xbe's without the use of the XDK. | www.dextrose.com | xboxdash dvd region free patch | A MS Dashboard Dvd Region Free Patch | slyver | | |
A patching program that allows you to alter certian elements of your original live enabled microsoft dashboard. | www.xboxdash.net | xboxify.berlios.de | |
Tool used to create xbox iso's without the use of gdfimage. | www.tehnewxboxside.de | XBThingy | An easy way to keep all your games and apps spread across multiple drives or directories cleanly organized. | Parnic | www.parnic.com | |
A bios editor based on the idea of superfro's fanCbox. Does such things as change the color of the xbox logo upon boot, remove animation, change boot partition etc.. | home.alltel.net/nghtshd/xbtool.html | MomDad | www.allxboxskins.com | |
A codec that allows you to play and encode xbox ADPCM content on your pc. Released | | XConfigurator | Allows you to open Avalaunch Xml configuration file and reads all config parameters from it. Full Avalaunch Config file object support. | cchojin | www.chojin.be/xconfig/ | |
A skin editor for use with evolution-x skins. | xcover.xodus-chip.com/ | www.codeunderground.com | |
Previously known as WinXAP, A program to build menus and submenus in the original xboxdashboard. | | XDFSextract | Will print out the contents of a XDFS formated iSO file in a format. | IPS & Team PS2Ownz | | |
View and extract files from the xbox iso format (XDFS). | | www.xboxdeveloper.net | |
Create and Manage ALL known bios's with full bios programming functions. | www.teamxecuter.com | Xeon | A XBOX emulator for windows. It currently only supports one commercial game (halo), still in early development. | _SF_ | | |
A xbox game refernce utility that shows various statistics about the selected xbox game. Includes a browser that directs to xbox.com for game refernces aswell. | | archon.cs.unm.edu | |
A PC driver for the XBOX controller. | xpad.xbox-scene.com | xISO | A xbox iso extraction and creation tool. | Yursoft | www.yursoft.com | |
A iso extraction utility that can load and extract a iso directly to the xbox via ftp. | limit.agent55.com | | |
A Xbox ISO creation/extraction utility based off the sources of xISO xFER | | XMconverter | Xm converter was created to convert many xm files at once | jimk | | |
Drag any files onto the app and set the destination path, the app will then watch for date stamp changes and send on change | -=StuAngel=- | | XcalibEr | | |
XMreader will allow you to read what an XM file has(face count, verts,coord, ect..). | | XmViewer | A program to view XMV files. | Voltaic | | |
A Shoutcast/Icecast stream relayer for use with XBMP. Authors: Tusse/nonSense | | | |
Extracts DDS files from a XPR file | doa3booster.bravepages.com/ | XSaveSig | Calculates and displays the | www.xbox-saves.com | www.xbox-saves.com | |
Calculates and displays the "signature" for XBox game save data based on a | www.xbox-saves.com | www.osirishq.com | |
XStream Network is an installable service for Windows computers running Microsoft's .NET Framework. It will enable your XBOX to connect to your PC across a LAN and stream movies live. | | xtender scrambler | Scrambles/Descrambles the xtender bios. | TOSHi | | |
Create multigames menu disk using the MenuX of a simple and fast form. It allows the use of themes (send, download, manage) and to copy the games to the root directory of the DVD, since some games only works if they are in the root directory of the DVD. | zonaxbox.indicedivx.com/modules.php?name=zxb&d_op=Ingles | |