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Gaming - Xbox, 360 - PlaystationX 2, 3 Backup Copy Games

A place for all Gaming Tools, and other related info

Friday, August 05, 2005


Playstation and PS2 Links

BlackBag PSX

Alot of utilites & documents for PSX programming.

NAPALM - Insert Coin

Alot of utilities for PSX programming.


Alot of utilities for PSX programming.

K-Comm's Caetla Site

Caetla is rom replacement code for your DATEL Pro Action Replay or DATEL Game Shark that allows them to be used for development purposes.

Free Wing

A pc comms-style interface for a pc parallel port can be found here.


Homemade parallel port Pro Action Replay comm link circuit.

Flame/Pygmy Page

PSX memory card, controller, & link cable info.

PSX Developer's Connection

Nice tutorials with source code, demos, map editor, & more.


Alot of PSX dev tools for Linux soon.

Grey Stuff

Lots of games/demos & tools/utilities.

Playstation Funstuff

Alot of cool info for PSX.


FAQs for the mailing list PSXDEV among other things.

FAQSYS extended version

Alot of information on various graphics algorithms can be found here.


Some nice documentation on PSX file formats.

Yaroze Underground

Various documents & programs for PSX programming.

BamBam's page

Various documents & programs for PSX programming.

bITmASTER's page

ADPCM packer source code & a diagram of the PSX Parallel I/O connector can be found here.

FuSIONMaN's page

He has a win95 program to hex edit PSX ram & more using the Caetla rom.

SkyWalker's page

Info on the PSX serial port.

Team PSX

PSX serial port link project.

Team Fatal

Game demos & Caetla PC-File library.


Source code samples for Yaroze users & more.

Code Jesters

Yaroze code for simple 3D object viewing & C tutorials geared towards Yaroze.

R3000a Mipsice Debugger

Fennec's MIPS debugger program.

Palevich-Chen Industries

Java-based utilities to help you view, create, & edit common Sony Playstation file formats.

Console Hack

PSX-BIOS collection & info.

Yaroze World

Example joystick code, siocons-style PSX IDE program for Win95, & more.

Mobius CodeWorks

Demos for download.

Mobius NoiseWorks

Soon to contain sound projects.

pSX98 Demo Competition

If you feel like competing against other playstation coders for prizes then check out this link!


All Japanese site... I have no idea what's on here...

Home of Kain

hmm... I can't remember what's on this site...

Co Homepage - Unofficial

Some PAR support software.


Hmm... Requires a Net Yaroze membership to access.... Ughh..

BERO's NOT YAROZE Page - BERO's MasterGear for PSX

A primer for C coding on PSX & Master Gear/Game Gear emu for PSX.

TRG's ZX Spectrum for PSX

A ZX Spectrum emu for PSX.

Duddie's EMU2K Emulator

Here's a PSX emulator

PSX98 Emulator

And another PSX emu.

PLEMu Emulator

Ok, even another PSX emu.

Commercial Illusions

Lots of cheat codes, repair tips, & more.

Sunday, July 31, 2005


Bin / Cue Burning Guide


Bin / Cue Burning Guide

Many ISO's (or images) of CD's come in in a 2 part structure, a bin file, and a cue file. The easiest way to burn these files to a CD to get the whole
CD is to use ahead Nero , once you have installed this, open it!

Step 1: Cancel the wizard helper that pops up and go File > Burn Image....

Step 2: An Open Dialog box will appear, change dir to the one the bin/cue files are in, then click on Files of Type> All Files , and then open the Bin.
NOTE: In most cases I would first suggest clicking on the cue file as the file to burn, than you MUST make sure that TAO (track @ once) is on, thus making sure it burns the CD with the best possible function.

Step 3: The Box below should appear, now click on Raw Data, and then click OK, insert a blank CD and Burn!





1)  Open the Image Patcher utility and click the Select Image File
     button located at the top of it. BROWSE your PC until you find the
     PS2 game back-up image file you made, then select it and click on
     the Open button... it should look similar to THIS screen shot now.

2)  Press the Scan File button, and observe the results obtained in
     the window below. Next, click on the Verify Version button and
     if the DNAS Version is recognized by the utility you will see 
     UN-PATCHED data below (varies based on the files found)... and
     the Disk ID boxes will turn WHITE allowing for character input.

NOTE: If your image files contains a DNAS Version not recognized by
          the Image Patcher utility you can try the Disc ID Insertor
          instead, or wait for the next Image Patcher update to come.

3)  In the WHITE boxes enter the valid Disc ID you have obtained from
     your original PS2 game disc and click the Patch button. You will
     now see a prompt, If all went well you will now  see  the .IMG files found
     have been successfully patched with the Disc ID you entered in the
     WHITE boxes. It's not necessary to Un-Patch unless the Disc ID
     has been incorrectly entered prior to pressing the Patch button.

4)  Finally... burn your patched PS2 game back-up .iSO image file using
     Alcohol 120% if it is a CD-based image. I use DVD Dcrypter.
     Especially DVD Decrypter if it is a PS2 DVDR image. This is done by selecting
     MODE->iSO->WRiTE, browsing and selecting your now patched
     .iSO image & clicking the Decrypt Button below. Enjoy!


Utillities For Copy Playstation CD/DVD

Welcome. Please understand that I do not support any of these programs, and I do not know of the legality. A few of them I might understand, but again I am not a tech support rep, so my best advice is for you to roll on over to Afterdawn and search the fourms.

Anyway, I will list below some of the more requested tools, please send me a email  if there is a file you feel should be here. If I don't have it.. be prepared to provide a way for me to get it.

Downloads: (You may need to right-click, Save As)

Sony CD/DVDgen 1.50 - Someone send me a description.

CDloaderv7 - Loads CDs R-Type I believe.

DiscID - Pulls your original ID off your disc.

DVDLoaderv7 - Loads DVDs R-Type I believe.

IDpatcher - Puts your ID into your legal backup.

IML2ISO - Makes IMLs into ISOs.

DO NOT pirate games, or we won't have nice games in the future because there won't be any profit in it for companies, so don't be lame, learn, and contribute to the developers, companies, and in theory their loved ones.

These tools are for educational use only, any person(s), organization, or group accepts laws reguarding intellectual property in the USA and abroad. If you do not agree to these terms completely, you are forbidden to transmit in any fashion, any works/materials/knowledge from this site, ISP, or member thereof.

    Disc ID Utility V0.2A: This is the program by Paradox used to
    obtain a Disc ID from an original PS2 game disc. Once obtained, the
    Disc ID can be patched to a LEGAL back-up of the original game disc.

    Image Patcher V1.6: This is the program by PS2NFO.COM used to
    patch the Disc ID (obatined from an original PS2 game disc) to the
    LEGAL back-up disc of it. This utility requires NO importing/re-building
    to use, however, for a few titles it may not properly detect the DNA$
    routines to patch so is somewhat limited... but overall easier to use.
    Full usage instructions are available HERE for our Image Patcher.

    Disc ID Insertor V2.01: This is the program by LudaKris used to
    patch the Disc ID (obatined from an original PS2 game disc) to the
    LEGAL back-up disc of it. This utility requires importing and image
    re-building to use, however, full usage instructions on doing so are
    available HERE for those wanting to learn. In the long-run we're told
    this patcher won't require further updating, but it is geared primarily
    towards more experienced users.


2005-07-24   2005-07-31   2005-08-21   2005-12-11  

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